Page 67 - EMF von Stromtechnologien
P. 67

 EMF von Stromtechnologien
perception at individually varying thresholds when the head is exposed to a homogeneous 50 Hz si-
nusoidal signal.”
In Bezug auf Tierstudien wurde geschlossen (p. 6):
“Again, and similar to the previous Council reports, studies used mostly 50/60 Hz ELF and exposure levels around 1 mT magnetic fields (MF) or between 5 and 35 kV/m electric fields (EF), respectively. Rats’ chronic exposure to 50 Hz, 0.03 mT to 1.5 mT ELF-MF had no significant clinical and biological effects in the animals. Short-term application of different pulsed magnetic fields (PMF) of 1 mT led to contradictory answers on pain sensitivities in rats. A further mouse study addressing ultrahigh voltage (UHV) transmission technology and using ELF-EF (50 Hz, 35 kV/m) demonstrated morphological kid- ney alterations after up to 3 weeks exposure, which recovered after longer lasting exposure. An ELF- EF of 50 Hz and 5.4 kV/m caused oxidative stress and spermatogonia degeneration in rats. In honey- bees exposed to the same range of 50 Hz EF (5 – 34.5 kV/m) increased enzyme activities of the anti- oxidant and proteolytic systems are interpreted as a general first defence mechanism against an envi- ronmental stressor. Also, cockroach nymphs were shown to be stressed by a 5 months lasting expo- sure to 50 Hz, 10 mT ELF-MF. And in the nematode C. elegans, chronic exposure to a 50 Hz 3 mT MF over multiple generations can increase body length and boost antioxidant capacity.
Overall, the diverse animal models describing dissimilar effects following ELF-MF exposure in the 1 mT range and below again demonstrate the absence of knowledge on biologically relevant mecha- nisms of ELF-MF, except oxidative stress.”
Bezüglich Zwischenfrequenzen macht der Bericht folgende Aussage (p 4):
“Despite the increasing use of applications in the intermediate frequency (IF) range of the electromag- netic spectrum (300 Hz-10 MHz), scientific evaluation of potential health risks in that range is scarce. However, the few studies identified by the council in this area have not indicated any health effects be- low current reference levels.” United Kingdom (NRPB)
2004 veröffentlichte das “National Radiation Protection Board” (NRPB; heute: PHE – Public Health England, zwischenzeitlich: HPA – Health Protection Agency) den Bericht „Review of the Scientific Evi- dence for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (0–300 GHz)” (NRPB, 2004). Das Gremium kommt betreffend der wissenschaftlichen Evidenz zu Wirkungen von Feldern unterhalb der geltenden Grenzwerte zu denselben Einschätzungen wie ICNIRP und schlussfolgerte (p. 6):
„(...) that currently the results of these studies on EMFs and health, taken individually or as collectively reviewed expert groups, are insufficient to derive quantitative restrictions on exposure to EMFs”.
Erwähnenswert ist die sog. “Stakeholder Advisory Group on ELF EMFs” (SAGE). Sie wurde 2004 ein- berufen, um die Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs hinsichtlich möglicher gesundheitlicher Risi- ken schwacher niederfrequenter Expositionen und allfälliger Vorsorgemassnahmen zu beraten. Die Gruppierung ist zusammengesetzt aus Experten von Regierung, Industrie und Zivilgesellschaft. 2007 veröffentlichte sie den ersten Assessment Report zu Hochspannungsleitungen, Hausinstallationen und Elektrogeräten, 2010 den zweiten Assessment Report zum Verteilnetz. Sie führte keine wissen- schaftliche Beurteilung der Forschung durch, sondern formulierte Empfehlungen für Massnahmen. Die Meinungen zu möglichen Gesundheitsrisiken waren innerhalb der Gruppe uneinheitlich und nicht kon- sensual.
C:\Users\jeberhar\Dropbox\2022 BFE Literaturmonitoring\Schlussbericht\20230228 _FAMES_FSM_Schlussbericht.docx

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