Page 158 - EMF von Stromtechnologien
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 EMF von Stromtechnologien
 Amoon, A. T., Crespi, C. M., Ahlbom, A., Bhatnagar, M., Bray, I., Bunch, K. J., Clavel, J., Feychting, M., Hemon, D., Johansen, C., Kreis, C., Malagoli, C., Marquant, F., Pedersen, C., Raaschou- Nielsen, O., Roosli, M., Spycher, B. D., Sudan, M., Swanson, J., Tittarelli, A., Tuck, D. M., Tynes, T., Vergara, X., Vinceti, M., Wunsch-Filho, V., & Kheifets, L. (2018). Proximity to overhead power lines and childhood leukaemia: an international pooled analysis. Br J Cancer, 119(3), 364-373.
Amoon, A. T., Crespi, C. M., Nguyen, A., Zhao, X., Vergara, X., Arah, O. A., & Kheifets, L. (2020). The role of dwelling type when estimating the effect of magnetic fields on childhood leukemia in the California Power Line Study (CAPS). Cancer Causes Control, 31(6), 559-567.
Amoon, A. T., Oksuzyan, S., Crespi, C. M., Arah, O. A., Cockburn, M., Vergara, X., & Kheifets, L. (2018). Residential mobility and childhood leukemia. Environ Res, 164, 459-466.
Amoon, A. T., Swanson, J., Magnani, C., Johansen, C., & Kheifets, L. (2022). Pooled analysis of recent studies of magnetic fields and childhood leukemia. Environ Res, 204(Pt A), 111993.
Amoon, A. T., Swanson, J., Vergara, X., & Kheifets, L. (2020). Relationship between distance to overhead power lines and calculated fields in two studies. J Radiol Prot, 40(2), 431-443.
Andel, R., Crowe, M., Feychting, M., Pedersen, N. L., Fratiglioni, L., Johansson, B., & Gatz, M. (2010). Work-related exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and dementia: results from the population-based study of dementia in Swedish twins. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 65(11), 1220-1227.
Andrianome, S., De Seze, R., Braun, A., & Selmaoui, B. (2018). Descriptive self-reporting survey of people with idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF): similarities and comparisons with previous studies. Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg, 26(4), 461-473.
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Asadian, N., Jadidi, M., Safari, M., Jadidi, T., & Gholami, M. (2021). EMF frequency dependent differentiation of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to astrocyte cells. Neuroscience Letters, 744, 135587.
Auger, N., Arbour, L., Luo, W., Lee, G. E., Bilodeau-Bertrand, M., & Kosatsky, T. (2019). Maternal proximity to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields and risk of birth defects. Eur J Epidemiol, 34(7), 689-697.
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Ayoobi, F., Shamsizadeh, A., & Shafiei, S. A. (2017). The effect of local extremely low frequency magnetic field on student sleepiness. Neurol Res, 39(12), 1080-1085.
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